Where Access Meets Liquidity


Who We Are

Accuidity is an Asset Management firm dedicated to bringing ACCESS, LIQUIDITY and TRANSPARENCY to private market investing via a family of institutional index funds utilizing our proprietary data, technology and sourcing ecosystem.


Megacorn Investment Strategies

We offer qualified investors tactical access to institutionally managed and systematically designed strategies comprised of “Blue Chip” private companies.


The Accuidity Edge

Our Proprietary Data and Systematically Designed Model identifies the highest quality “Blue Chip” private companies. We built an internal sourcing ecosystem to purchase private shares Directly and Efficiently.

The Megacorn Index has outperformed public market benchmarks by approximately 10-30%2


An Attractive Entry Point to High Quality Private Companies

Market volatility has impacted the broader growth and technology sectors over the past year.

This has impacted late-stage private companies in the following ways:


Late-stage private companies have stayed private longer


Megacorn Index has outperformed public benchmark


Capital has flowed to the largest, highest quality late-stage private companies

Our Megacorn strategies provide efficient and liquid access to high-quality private companies.


Our Proprietary Index Approach


5+ Year Operating History Capital Raised + Revenue>$200MM Institutional Funding


Systematically Constructed Incorporating Quality Factors

Proprietary Pricing ModelProprietary Sourcing

MEGACORN Strategies

Efficient Execution Achieving Diversified Exposure

Acess to High Quality “Blue Chip” Private Companies

Our Team

Accuidity is led by a team of asset management executives with an average of over 25 years of experience and who have been responsible for overseeing $1 Trillion of client assets in aggregate.



"Target Return" is a subjective assessment used by Accuidity based on our research and analysis of potential future returns of private companies. It is not predictive of actual return and prospective investors should not rely on Target Return for any purpose. Actual returns of any such company could be substantially lower or negative. Target Return is a target solely for a company itself, and does not take into account the Management Fee or expenses of any strategy or fund managed by Accuidity, which would have the effect of reducing any return.


For period 1/1/2016–6/30/2024. Prior periods would have different results.
Important Disclosures: The performance information for the Megacorn Index is hypothetical and backtested and is not that of any investment product or strategy. The Megacorn Index is a proprietary index developed by Accuidity based on a hypothetical portfolio of the largest VC backed companies vs. a hypothetical portfolio of a quality screened portfolio of VC backed companies. Backtested index results, such as those of the Megacorn Index, are inherently limited. The Hypothetical Information was prepared by means of a retroactive application of a model designed with the benefit of hindsight. Potential risks include but are not limited to: data risks (including cleanliness of data), validity of assumptions, hindsight bias, incorrect model, inappropriate usage of the model, and hardware and software bugs.
In addition, an index of privately offered securities, such as the Megacorn Index, requires assumptions that the offerings were available at the time of investment and sufficient capacity existed to make an equally weighted investment in each position, and have other limitations, such as not taking into account the fees and costs associated with making private investments. Unlike indices that track the performance of publicly traded securities, the Megacorn Index is designed to estimate the performance of certain privately issued equity securities. Such private securities do not trade in a marketplace or exchange and there is limited public data available about their valuation. The Megacorn Index uses data available from public sources and estimates valuations in some cases by reference to the performance of third-party exchange traded funds that Accuidity believes approximate the performance of the market for similar issuers. Any such data is inherently subjective and, in many cases may not provide an accurate representation of the valuation of any single underlying security. Moreover, because the underlying securities are not offered to a broad group of investors, it would not be possible for any person, or any fund, to invest in each of the component securities that comprise the Megacorn Index, at the times and in the manner in which they are included in the index. Nor would it be possible to time the disposition of a component of the Megacorn Index to mirror the timing of such component being dropped from the index, due to restrictions on sales of such securities that are inherent in their terms. As a result of the limitations and restrictions applicable to privately issued equity securities, the performance of any portfolio that seeks to replicate the Megacorn Index (even before reductions for fees and expenses) would be materially different, and could be materially lower, than that of the Megacorn Index itself.